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"To promote and protect Limehouse"

The value of a community is based upon our choosing to take part in that community. Limehouse matters. We can all add value making things better for ourselves and our neighbours.


Explore our website , look at the types of issues, the Police Ward, planning and events.  Come to one of our meetings or join in zoom, where you can raise issues that concern you and ask questions and seek solutions. We are a volunteer led organisation and welcome any new recruits. Our fundraising efforts help support our activities and events.


A bit of Background;


The LCF was established in the Spring of 2005 to address issues that residents had.   Since that time the forum has successfully worked to increase membership and has reached out to form partnerships with a wide range of associated organisations and groups. 

The LCF reaches out and interacts with our wider community of residents and businesses by hosting public events. Each year the LCF funds and organises LIMEfest,  History Night, where we can all learn about our past and help shape our future, plus other activities.

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