Blooming LimeHouse
Whether you’re taking inspiration, with pots overflowing with flowers, tomatoes and herbs, balcony or simply an indoor plant that brings peace and solitude – we’re looking for you to share your photos of blessings and blossoms.
Please submit your photos (and a short narrative, should you wish) to blooming@limehouse.info by Friday 15th August, 2020
State your name and the category that you are entering. See details of prizes below:
Boats in Bloom
Brightening up the deck. Most flower-filled, most edible growing boat.
​What ever floats your boat!
Balconies and Hanging Baskets in Bloom
Providing habitat and food sources for birds, insects or even just a beautiful display.
Pets Amongst Pots
Pet enjoying the space you’ve created.
Veggie Fest
Whether a neat plot, bijou terrace with containers or a wild tumble of herbs on a windowsill.
Garden on a plate
Kids garden creation on a plate. Let their imagination run wild!
Anything horticultural that has brought you happiness in these uncertain times,
we’d love to see.
​Window Sill Wonders
Indoor green finger
Blooming Estates & Buildings
Your development or Estate in bloom. You may wish to provide several photos showcasing collectively the magnificent grounds, flower beds, balconies or hanging baskets.
Easy Tips
Morning or evening light
When setting up for a shot, try crisp morning light or pinkish evening skies for pretty and subdued colours.
Think clever composition and detail, advises ditching the DSLR camera in favour of a Smart Phone for off-the-cuff shots. It tells more of a story, which is great for posts and stories on social media.
Don’t be shy if you find your image is not perfect, as this is what makes it unique.
LCF would like to thank our local Restaurants and businesses below
​for their kind and generous contribution to our Blooming Event
LCF would like to thank our local Restaurants and businesses below
​for their kind and generous contribution to our Blooming Event
Thames Tiger
2 Tickets to Ride the Tiger
Mala Indian Kitchen & Bar
Dinner for 2 including one round of drinks
La Figa Italian Restaurant
£50 Voucher
Limehouse Community Forum
Bottle of Champagne
The Grapes
Fish & Chip for 2 and bottle of wine
​The Yurt Cafe
£25 voucher
Docklands Fitness
Personal Training Session (Value £60)
Limehouse Community Forum
A bottle of Limehouse Gin
Terms & Condition:
Submit your photos (and a short narrative, should you wish) to blooming@limehouse.info by Friday 15th August, 2020
This competition is open to all Limehouse residents who are Members of the LCF
Register Now www.limehouse.info/registration
All photo submission must have been taken in Limehouse
Judges decision is final
Results will be announced on Friday 14th August, 2020 via email and on this web page