Police Ward Panel
Since its inception, LCF has worked with the local authority, the police, residential developments and the community to identify and address problems associated with crime and ASB, specific areas in the neighbourhood being targeted where appropriate.
​A close working relationship has developed between LCF and the Limehouse Police Ward Panel to enable the concerns of the community and the information it can provide, to be dealt with more efficiently.
​This process continues to improve for the benefit of enforcement as necessary and towards youth engagement to reduce ASB where possible. ​The best practice is to involve the community in policing decisions, priorities and promises. To this end the Limehouse Ward has a Police Ward Panel. The Ward Panel meets with decision making police supervisors to review recent crime statistics and agree police priorities for each quarter. If you would like to take part in this process please contact the Chair of our Ward Panel, David Garside. Conor is not a police officer or a council worker, he's a local resident, just like you; so he has a real interest in keeping our community safe and solving our policing related problems.
LCF works in close collaboration with the LBTH, Police, Councillors, Social Housing Landlords and Community representatives to ensure a coordinated approach to crime. This is primarily addressed through enforcement and engagement initiatives. Enforcement involves working closely with the Limehouse Safer Neighbourhood Team and ensuring adequate representation at the quarterly Limehouse Ward Panel Meetings, in which the local residents and Police review crime stats, agree priorities and priorities for the Police for the following quarter. Both short term (e.g. increased patrols, deployment of plain clothes officers) and longer term (e.g. CCTV installation) measures are discussed.
​You can find the crime statistics for Limehouse here.
Keeping you informed of local policing matters
Limehouse SNT is pleased to support OWL an award-winning online system that helps grow Neighbourhood Watch and empowers local volunteers to set up their own watches; helping everyone look out for each other and stay safe. OWL provides a vital communication tool to keep resident’s of Tower Hamlets informed of local policing actions, crime prevention advice and other relevant information from key community stakeholders. For more information or to sign up, please visit: www.owl.co.uk/met
Reporting Anti Social Behaviour
If you see or hear ASB the first priority is your own safety. Pictures of the people or cars involved in the ASB are very helpful to the Police, but only if you feel it is safe to take them.
ALWAYS REPORT IT. Local crime and ASB statistics are reviewed each quarter at the Police Ward Panel meeting. It needs to understand the trends and where the ASB is taking place in order to focus resources and priorities.
Either call 101 or use this web link. Please also send an email to LimehouseSNT
Stop local shops selling nitrous oxide!
Tower Hamlets Council in partnership with Tower Hamlets Police, and Tower Hamlets Homes has a campaign to help tackle some of the problems caused by nitrous oxide called “No Laughing Matter”. For more information on the campaign, follow this link
Report it!
To report a licensed premises (i.e a shop that sells alcohol) email: Licensing@towerhamlets.gov.uk
To report other retail outlets, email: tradingstandards@towerhamlets.gov.uk
To report the clear up of nitrous oxide canisters, complete a ‘Report waste and street cleaning’ form via this link
Use the Love Your Neighbourhood App, which enables the public to instantly report cleansing issues to the Council. Users can simply take a picture i.e disposed nitrous oxide canisters and the app will pinpoint the location and send the details directly to the environmental contractors, ensuring the problem is dealt with swiftly. The App can be found on the Apple App Store (IPhone Users) and Google Play (Android Users)
Related articles
Evening Standard - 17th September, 2019
Community Policing in action example
The Neighbourhood Policing Team and several Limehouse Residents did a sweep of Ropemaker's Field looking for hidden weapons. Happily no knives were found but we did discover evidence of some crime. Please click here to register your support for these events to receive email notifications.
The key members of our local police team are DWO Sarah DeSouza (far right of the picture) and George Norteye, our Dedicated Ward Officer (centre of the picture). Sarah and George based at:
​Isle of Dogs Police Station,
Manchester Road, London, E14 3BN.
Phone: 02072754225
Mobex: 07407489771
Metphone: 754225 / 754218
George Norteye
Dedicated Ward Officer
Neighbourhood Watch
Email: george.norteye@met.police.uk
Tel: 0207 275 4644
DWO Sarah DeSouza
Police Community Support Officer
Neighbourhood Watch
Email: sarah.desouza-eremita@met.police.uk
Tel: 0207 275 4225